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How quickly do the doors open and close?

Speed is crucial in a hospital, where decisions need to be lightning fast and response times can be the difference between life and death. That's why it's so important that every part of the hospital is designed for optimal speed and efficiency, while not compromising on hygiene or durability.

The speed of a swing door depends on its weight, the resistance provided by the bearings, pressure and spring buffers on the door, and the force applied to open it. By keeping the weight to a minimum, you can immediately increase the door's opening speed.

Having the door on durable yet smooth mountings is another step. In fact, many hospitals rely on a quad-action opening mechanism, where double-hinged frames allow the door to open through 180 degrees each way. This means that traffic is equally unimpeded regardless of its direction.

To add to this, faster doors also mean less time for transfer of pathogens or other unwanted intruders through the doorway.